Economic "Nobel" Laureates

Economis is rare in the broader scientific community in that many of the winners of our budget knockoff nobel prize are considered by many other economists to be, politely said, undeserving of the prize. These are my personal oppinions of where various winners fall (note that this is an overview of carrer and personality, not just work cited by the comittee):


Year Nameverdictrationale
1969 Rangar Frisch IDK
Jan Tingergen IDK
1970 Paul Samuelson IDK
1971 Simon Kuznets Deserved Came to a wrong conclution because of not enough data. Now spends his days spining rapidly in his grave.
1972 John Hicks IDK
Kenneth Arrow IDK
1973 Wassily Leontief IDK
1974 Gunnar Myrdal IDK
Friedrich Hayek Hack-fraud Not as bad as what was to come, but spent most days in fantasyland.
1975 Leonid Kantorovich IDK
Tjalling Koopmans IDK
1976 Milton Friedman Satanic There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said better
1977 Bertil Ohlin IDK
James Meade IDK
1978 Herbert A. Simon IDK
1979 Theodore Schultz IDK
Arthur Lewis IDK
1980 Lawrence Klein IDK
1981 James Tobin Deserved "Maybe an unregulated financial market isn't a good idea"
1982 George Stigler Satanic Interesting ideas, applied with blind racial hatred.
1983 Gérard Debreu IDK
1984 Richard Stone IDK
1985 Franco Modigliani IDK
1986 James M. Buchanan Satanic Significant founder of modern evil
1987 Robert Solow IDK
1988 Maurice Allais IDK
1989 Trygve Haavelmo IDK
1990 Harry Markowitz IDK
Merton Miller IDK
William F. Sharpe IDK
1991 Ronald Coase Hack-Fraud Coase theorem is bs
1992 Gary Becker IDK
1993 Robert Fogel IDK
Douglass North IDK
1994 John Harsanyi IDK
John Forbes Nash IDK
Reinhard Selten IDK
1995 Robert Lucas, Jr. IDK
1996 James Mirrlees IDK
William Vickrey IDK
1997 Robert C. Merton IDK
Myron Scholes IDK
1998 Amartya Sen IDK
1999 Robert Mundell IDK
2000 James Heckman IDK
Daniel McFadden IDK
2001 George Akerlof IDK
Michael Spence IDK
Joseph Stiglitz DeservedOne of those not terrible neo-Keynesians
2002 Daniel Kahneman IDK
Vernon L. Smith IDK
2003 Robert F. Engle IDK
Clive Granger IDK
2004 Finn E. Kydland IDK
Edward C. Prescott IDK
2005 Robert J. Aumann IDK
Thomas C. Schelling IDK
2006 Edmund S. Phelps IDK
2007 Leonid Hurwicz IDK
Eric S. Maskin IDK
Roger Myerson IDK
2008 Paul Krugman Deserved Took the fame of winning and told Bernanke (see below) to fuck off
2009 Elinor Ostrom Deserved Better Groundbreaking anthropological research on the Commons, an inspiration to me.
Oliver E. Williamson
2010 Peter A. Diamond IDK
Dale T. Mortensen IDK
Christopher A. Pissarides IDK
2011 Thomas J. Sargent IDK
Christopher A. Sims IDK
2012 Alvin E. Roth IDK
Lloyd S. Shapley IDK
2013 Eugene F. Fama IDK
Lars Peter Hansen IDK
Robert J. Shiller IDK
2014 Jean Tirole IDK
2015 Angus Deaton IDK
2016 Oliver Hart IDK
Bengt Holmström IDK
2017 Richard Thaler IDK
2018 William Nordhaus Hack-fraud "Climate change isn't a big deal, actually"
Paul Romer IDK
2019 Abhijit Banerjee IDK
Esther Duflo IDK
Michael Kremer IDK
2020 Paul Milgrom IDK
Robert B. Wilson IDK
2021 David Card deserved better Looked at real world, accidentally invalidating the work of many others on this list.
Joshua Angrist IDK
Guido Imbens IDK
2022 Ben Bernanke Satanic Made good choices in '08
Douglas Diamond IDK
Philip H. Dybvig IDK
2023 Claudia Goldin deserved Not as radical in the feminist economics scene as I would like, but what can be expected as the 3rd female recipient?