Year | Name | verdict | rationale |
1969 | Rangar Frisch | IDK | |
Jan Tingergen | IDK | |
1970 | Paul Samuelson | IDK | |
1971 | Simon Kuznets | Deserved | Came to a wrong conclution because of not enough data. Now spends his days spining rapidly in his grave. |
1972 | John Hicks | IDK | |
Kenneth Arrow | IDK | |
1973 | Wassily Leontief | IDK | |
1974 | Gunnar Myrdal | IDK | |
Friedrich Hayek | Hack-fraud | Not as bad as what was to come, but spent most days in fantasyland. |
1975 | Leonid Kantorovich | IDK | |
Tjalling Koopmans | IDK | |
1976 | Milton Friedman | Satanic | There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said better |
1977 | Bertil Ohlin | IDK | |
James Meade | IDK | |
1978 | Herbert A. Simon | IDK | |
1979 | Theodore Schultz | IDK | |
Arthur Lewis | IDK | |
1980 | Lawrence Klein | IDK | |
1981 | James Tobin | Deserved | "Maybe an unregulated financial market isn't a good idea" |
1982 | George Stigler | Satanic | Interesting ideas, applied with blind racial hatred. |
1983 | Gérard Debreu | IDK | |
1984 | Richard Stone | IDK | |
1985 | Franco Modigliani | IDK | |
1986 | James M. Buchanan | Satanic | Significant founder of modern evil |
1987 | Robert Solow | IDK | |
1988 | Maurice Allais | IDK | |
1989 | Trygve Haavelmo | IDK | |
1990 | Harry Markowitz | IDK | |
Merton Miller | IDK | |
William F. Sharpe | IDK | |
1991 | Ronald Coase | Hack-Fraud | Coase theorem is bs |
1992 | Gary Becker | IDK | |
1993 | Robert Fogel | IDK | |
Douglass North | IDK | |
1994 | John Harsanyi | IDK | |
John Forbes Nash | IDK | |
Reinhard Selten | IDK | |
1995 | Robert Lucas, Jr. | IDK | |
1996 | James Mirrlees | IDK | |
William Vickrey | IDK | |
1997 | Robert C. Merton | IDK | |
Myron Scholes | IDK | |
1998 | Amartya Sen | IDK | |
1999 | Robert Mundell | IDK | |
2000 | James Heckman | IDK | |
Daniel McFadden | IDK | |
2001 | George Akerlof | IDK | |
Michael Spence | IDK | |
Joseph Stiglitz | Deserved | One of those not terrible neo-Keynesians |
2002 | Daniel Kahneman | IDK | |
Vernon L. Smith | IDK | |
2003 | Robert F. Engle | IDK | |
Clive Granger | IDK | |
2004 | Finn E. Kydland | IDK | |
Edward C. Prescott | IDK | |
2005 | Robert J. Aumann | IDK | |
Thomas C. Schelling | IDK | |
2006 | Edmund S. Phelps | IDK | |
2007 | Leonid Hurwicz | IDK | |
Eric S. Maskin | IDK | |
Roger Myerson | IDK | |
2008 | Paul Krugman | Deserved | Took the fame of winning and told Bernanke (see below) to fuck off |
2009 | Elinor Ostrom | Deserved Better | Groundbreaking anthropological research on the Commons, an inspiration to me. |
Oliver E. Williamson |
2010 | Peter A. Diamond | IDK | |
Dale T. Mortensen | IDK | |
Christopher A. Pissarides | IDK | |
2011 | Thomas J. Sargent | IDK | |
Christopher A. Sims | IDK | |
2012 | Alvin E. Roth | IDK | |
Lloyd S. Shapley | IDK | |
2013 | Eugene F. Fama | IDK | |
Lars Peter Hansen | IDK | |
Robert J. Shiller | IDK | |
2014 | Jean Tirole | IDK | |
2015 | Angus Deaton | IDK | |
2016 | Oliver Hart | IDK | |
Bengt Holmström | IDK | |
2017 | Richard Thaler | IDK | |
2018 | William Nordhaus | Hack-fraud | "Climate change isn't a big deal, actually" |
Paul Romer | IDK | |
2019 | Abhijit Banerjee | IDK | |
Esther Duflo | IDK | |
Michael Kremer | IDK | |
2020 | Paul Milgrom | IDK | |
Robert B. Wilson | IDK | |
2021 | David Card | deserved better | Looked at real world, accidentally invalidating the work of many others on this list. |
Joshua Angrist | IDK | |
Guido Imbens | IDK | |
2022 | Ben Bernanke | Satanic | Made good choices in '08 |
Douglas Diamond | IDK | |
Philip H. Dybvig | IDK | |
2023 | Claudia Goldin | deserved | Not as radical in the feminist economics scene as I would like, but what can be expected as the 3rd female recipient? |